Re-write your skin's history
Starting from just $150 per area/session.

+ - How does Laser Tattoo removal work?
The high-powered Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser known for their outstanding ability to remove a variety of tattoo inks.
Novamed Aesthetics uses this laser for the Gold-Standard of Tattoo Removal.
The treatment works by giving the tattoo ink a short high energy pulse to breakdown the ink into tiny fragments which are then slowly taken away by the body's lymphatic system.
Although removal of black tattoos is the easiest. Coloured tattoo's are also able to be removed in a similar fashion.
Typically a 30-45 minute treatments scheduled 4-8 weeks apart.
Book in to consult with one of our physicians to discuss your treatment plan.
+ - How many treatments will I need?
For an estimation the Kirby-Desai Score is used.
Click Here to find out yours!
+ - What does it feel like? Is there any downtime?
You will feel a warming of the skin throughout the treatment. Your clinician will take care to ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible.
Factors to consider include the pain threshold of the individual, as well as the size, quality, colour and location of the tattoo. Your clinician may engage in various pain reduction methods to help minimise the discomfort experienced when undergoing treatment. This includes the use of injectable and topical Local Anaesthetics at the discretion of the treating clinician as necessary.
+ - What to expect after? When will i see changes?
Tattooed areas will whiten and become raised immediately after treatment. This is expected and is normal and will settle within about half an hour. Tattoo will return to its normal colour after a few hours.
Pinpoint bleeding may occur, both on and under the skin. This will either be cleansed away or subside in the days following treatment.
The tattooed area may blister. Do not break the blisters, however keep them dressed. Elevation and intermittent icing.
You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. As the body begins to take away the fragmented ink, it takes 4 weeks for the tattoo to slowly fade, leading onto the next treatment.
+ - Is it safe?
Most importantly at NovMed Aesthetics Studio our IPL and laser Machine is used by trained Doctors and Nurses only.
No procedure is entirely without risk, but the potential side effects of correctly used Laser treatments are minimal. They include minor redness and skin irritation or infection.
+ - How Much Does it Cost
Laser Tattoo Removal with our Q switched laser is priced from $150 per session.
Total removal cost is determined by varying factors including the age of the tattoo, location, size and number of treatments required.
+ - Pre-Treatment Information
Day of appointment – avoid applying moisturisers or creams to the treatment area.
One week before – avoid using any pharmaceutical products on treatment areas such as photosensitising medications (vitamin A / retinol/ Hydroquinone) or prescription strength exfoliants.
Two weeks before – Avoid fake tanning, sun exposure and ensure that you are wearing sunscreen at all times.
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